


Eat Growth Zone 1 foods from trees in the morning.

They get first choice when it comes to the ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared energy necessary for photosynthesis.

These foods are your highest choice for your Growth Zone 1 organs, glands, muscles, and bones ... ... from the top of your skull to the bottom of your ribcage.

Growth Zone 1 Tree foods are brain foods.

Trees generally do most of their photosynthesis in the morning.

Some trees are so tall they can’t photosynthesize after 12:00 noon.

Trees climb skyward. They seek the Sun.

Trees don’t suck. They use the “conspicuous exhibition of mechanical response” (in the words of Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose) to lift liquid to their topmost leaves, where water pressure is the highest and photosynthesis is the lowest, ceasing the entire process at the height of 420 feet above the ground.

420 feet is also the limit for the cohesiveness of the water column of a tree. Adano Ley wrote ...

“Trees receive radiation from the Sun at dawn as it comes up over the horizon. Fruit and nuts are

vitalized for nourishment early in the day. Also, cellular bodies secrete the necessary substances to handle such types of food at this time. The Creative Intelligence has supplied the right types of protein, carbohydrate, fat, oil, water, and air to be utilized at that period of the day. Too, bodily secretions are geared to respond better and to handle these forms of energy as nourishment at breakfast.”

Dr. John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter (​Nature: The Healer​, 1936, 1946, 1962) wrote


“Fruits are not night foods. They should be eaten in the morning, because they are an eye-opener, a tonic, the eliminators of waste that has been produced in your body during sleep.”

Valerie Gennari Cooksley (​Aromatherapy: A Lifetime Guide to Healing with Essential Oils​, 1996) wrote ...

“It is very interesting how most essential oils useful in respiratory ailments are those that are distilled from the bark, leaves, berries, and branches of certain trees.”

Classical music (especially the music of Johann Sebastian Bach) stimulates the brain.

The sound of SILENCE stimulates the medulla oblongata (the Mouth of God).


Eat Growth Zone 2 foods from bushes, vines, and grasses (grains) at


They get second choice when it comes to the ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared energy necessary for photosynthesis.

They need special defenses against heat, dryness, and predators.

Sunlight plus warmth equals metabolic processes moving at top speed.

Adano Ley wrote ...

“At noon the radiations of the Sun are directly overhead and the leaves of the trees act as an umbrella for the fruits and nuts. But all the vegetables that grow above the surface of the earth have opened up to absorb the radiations. A greater variety is more in demand due to the body’s increased activity and secretions.”

Dr. John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter (​Nature: The Healer​, 1936,1946, 1962) wrote ...

“The daylight foods are leafy herbs, like lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, cresses, celery, and endive. These are grown in the light of the sun. We do not eat their roots, just their tops.

These are very good for tissue building. They make you strong, healthy, and robust, as they are rich in earth salts.”

These foods are your highest choice for your Growth Zone 2 organs, glands, muscles, and bones ... ... from the bottom of your ribcage to the top of your hipbones.

Most animals that feed on grass, grain, or vine foods are, in turn, Growth Zone 2 foods.

Growth Zone 2 vine foods are heart foods.

Midday foods (especially vines) tend to favor a spiral shape, seeking neither the Sun nor the center of the Earth.

Country-western music stimulates the heart.

Ditto the ringing of a bell (especially bells with twin-tone capability).


Eat Growth Zone 3 foods from the forest floor or below the soil, and from the water of lakes, seas, or oceans.

Roots, rhizomes, fungi, and seafood are almost always Growth Zone 3 foods.

They get third choice when it comes to the ultraviolet, visible light, and infrared energy necessary for photosynthesis.

Growth Zone 3 flora are especially versatile at obtaining their energy from photosynthesis.

Regarding the visible spectrum, Growth Zone 1 and 2 plants are usually confined to red and blue light.

Many plants confined to the forest floor can also use green light (the leftovers from the trees).

Many types of algae and seaweed can use orange and yellow light.

Both groups can use infrared radiation.

Fish (a Growth Zone 3 food because they feed on Growth Zone 3 foods) are especially sensitive to ultraviolet light, which is omnidirectional in water, and can be detected by fish as deep as 600 feet below the surface.

Fish, like birds, can navigate by starlight.

Growth Zone 3 foods are your highest choice for Growth Zone 3 organs, glands, muscles, and bones ... ... from the top of your hipbones to the bottom of your feet.

Growth Zone 3 foods are gut and groin foods.

Adano Ley wrote ...

“At evening when the rays of the Sun are diminished, foods that grow underground are ideal. Nature did not intend us to consume large quantities of food at night, therefore selections and varieties are limited, but balanced, in their chemical relationship.”

Dr. John T. Richter & Vera M. Richter (​Nature: The Healer​, 1936, 1946, 1962) wrote ...

“In the evening you will want something to help repair your body while you are asleep. What type of food will do this? The roots that grow in darkness, under the ground, that see no sun, but are rich in earth salts because the edible portion grows in the soil itself.”

Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D. (​Potatoes Not Prozac​, 1998) wrote ...
“Make sure you have a baked potato before you go to bed. It will help your serotonin function and will support the normalization of your sleep patterns.”

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a Growth Zone 3 disease, so it requires a Growth Zone 3 therapy.

AZT (azidothymidine), the original AIDS drug, was first synthesized from anchovies.

Now it’s synthesized from coal tar, making it a Growth Zone 2 solution for a Growth Zone 3 problem.

Egg lecithin resonates with the genitals and Growth Zone 3.

That’s why egg lecithin and AL 721 are used against AIDS, NOT Growth Zone 2 soy lecithin.

AL 721 is a membrane fluidizer containing three ingredients — all extracted from egg yolk.

Roots use gravity to seek nutrients and water below the ground.

Some tree roots can grow as deep as a tree is high.

Roots have penetrated the ceilings of mines 197 feet below the surface of the ground.

Rock & roll music stimulates the gut and the groin (and the hips).

You wouldn’t show up at daycare at 12:00 midnight, and you wouldn’t show up at a nightclub at 12:00 noon.

Adano Ley repeated (over and over and over again) ...

“Light doesn’t follow chemistry. Chemistry follows light.”

Sun Sync Nutrition is about “working the angles” of the light (and color spectrum).

Angles are used by both light energy and hydraulic energy.

Arthur Zajonc (​Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind​, 1993) wrote ... “Slowly vary the angle of the nozzle [of a garden hose] from straight forward to directly up, and note the changing distance the water travels. Initially, as the angle increases, so does the distance. However, when the nozzle is at a forty-five-degree angle, the water reaches its farthest; increasing the angle still more only causes the angle to retreat. As Galileo first noted for artillery, maximum range is achieved at forty-five degrees, with shorter distances being traveled for angles both greater and less than that.”


Sun Sync Nutrition is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Foods come from only 3 Growth Zones of the ecology.

The 3 Growth Zones evolved out of the 5 habitat levels of the rainforest ecology.

1) Growth Zone 1 evolved out of the primeval forest’s ... emergent layer (varying between 148 to over 260 feet tall) canopy (classically between 98 and 148 feet tall)

2) Growth Zone 2 evolved out of the primeval forest’s ...

understory layer (everything lying between the canopy and the forest floor)

3) Growth Zone 3 evolved out of the primeval forest’s ...
floor (pedosphere, receiving only 2% of the available light) subfloor (rhizosphere, receiving nothing but residual radiation)

Many Growth Zone 2 and 3 plants made fundamental changes in their geometry and chemistry to adapt to the prairies, deserts, and oceans arising after the great forests of the planet had their millennium of fame.

The hydrosphere of the ocean is part of Growth Zone 3.
According to Adano Ley, Dr. Emanuel Revici, and Meher Baba, life began in the MUD on the land, not in the ocean.

It evolved out of silicate-bearing CLAY.

Adano explained ... “Algae puts out tendrils.

“Tendrils move upward and downward, forming tree, bush, root.

“Tree throws out resin, which is an oil, or a lipid.

“Resin flows to salt water, where sodium and chlorine cause lipids to put out tendrils, creating tissue as

amoeba, sperm, and sea life.

“The dolphin and the whale decide to use lungs — respiration.

“Then came legs to cause ambulation, and reptilian life jumps up to become birds.

“Then come mammals.

“Neanderthal man was a mammal too, till intellect made him human, but not man yet, who has

intuition .

“There is no Superman, only intellectual man evolving from 5-sense operative man.

“Flying like a bird, walking on water, walking through walls to be at 2 places at the same time are not

impossible to the intuitive man.

“The intuitive man doesn’t have attachments or fixations.

“Animan has 5 senses that are photographic.

“Human has intellect that is analytic, diagnostic, and computing.

“Man has intuition — timing.

“Jesus was the Son of Man.

“Intuition is WHEN to function.

“I may know what’s ahead, but I can’t experience ‘ahead.’

“It’s the moment of acting that validates intuition, that IS intuition.”