Yellow fat disease by Atom Bergstrom

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Yellow Fat Disease (Volume I)

The world’s largest producer of fish oils boasts, “Omega-3s from Menhaden Oil Can Save Billions in Healthcare Costs.” There’s a better way — Fill all the world’s industrial incinerators with all the world’s fish oil supplements, then we really can save billions in healthcare costs. Government guidelines advise eating fish only 2-3 times a week so we don’t get overburdened with mercury and other toxins. What if this warning is a sham? What if it’s for a more underhanded reason? What if it’s to keep human Yellow Fat Disease at a subclinical, “idiopathic” level so mega-corporations can keep banking billions of dollars selling us fish oil supplements and fish products that are dangerous to our health? What if many diseases of “unknown cause” really do have a cause — known only to certain corporate and government insiders? What if fish isn’t the ideal food we’re told it is? What if fish oil — just-made or completely rancid — is a poison for most of us? Can cod liver oil kill your dog? Your cat? Your horse? Your chickens? Can cod liver oil kill a human being? (sequel: Fish Oil is Snake Oil)

Fish Oil is Snake Oil — The Biggest Supplement Scam

This book could be considered Yellow Fat Disease — Volume II, and it asks the question, “Why is every animal on God’s green earth susceptible to yellow fat disease if they eat polyunsaturated
fat except human beings?” Are we immune to it? This book asks another question: “What if
humans do suffer from yellow fat disease, but scientists call it something else? Have you ever
heard of Progressive Lipofuscinosis? Or Cumulative Lipofuscinosis? Everyone with “liver spots”
has it to a greater or lesser degree. It’s the ongoing build-up of lipopigments throughout the
body, erythrocytes, lysosomes, nerve cells, ganglion cells, intestines, spleen, pancreas, liver,
kidneys, adrenals, heart, brain, retina, skin, etc. The chief causes of Progressive Lipofuscinosis are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and highly-unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs), especially, the
latter, and, more especially, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Why are schoolchildren forced to eat
DHA, and why is it being so heavily marketed to mothers and their babies? Did you know all DHA manufactured from algae is a product of biotechnology, even the DHA added to organic food? (Some of this book’s information is available on Sun Sync Nutrition and more is available for free on One Radio Network.) The few bucks you spend on this book will save you hundreds of dollars you may

be currently wasting on a toxic supplement advertised as a product that supports the health of your brain and heart.

Yellow Fat Disease — Volume III

My first two volumes about Yellow Fat Disease present overwhelming evidence about how bad fish oil and cod liver oil are for good health. Volume III is the clincher, definitely convincing anyone who reads it to avoid DHA, EPA, and ALA like the poisons they really are. They age and kill slowly but surely, usually taking years or decades in humans, and much sooner in your pets, especially cats.

If you research fish oil and cod liver oil on the Internet, all you’re going to find is mostly praise and commendation, but if you research it from the back door, Googling Yellow Fat Disease or its many other names, you’ll have a rude awakening. Billions of dollars are earned yearly from the fish oil and fish scrap industry, and the entire business is a total scam.